The practice is is registered under the Data Protection Act. Strict confidentiality is maintained. All our staff are bound by strict rules of confidentiality.
From time to time the practice is involved in research projects. You will only be involved with your full knowledge and consent.
The Health and Social Care Information Centre has recently been empowered to require GP Practices to send to it personal confidential data (“PCD”) about their patients. The data will be used to make sure that the NHS is providing the best possible services to all of its patients. Data will be extracted electronically and could include information such as family history, vaccinations, diagnoses, referrals and NHS prescriptions. Personal identifiers (such as DOB, postcode and NHS number) are required to link the GP practice data with PCD from other care settings such as hospitals in order to analyse patient care across the NHS.
As a patient you are entitled to prevent confidential information about you from being shared or used for any purpose than providing your care, except in special circumstances. The attached leaflet and FAQs below will explain this in further detail. If you are not happy for your information to be shared, please call into the surgery and complete a quick form which will be placed on your medical records and prevent data from being extracted. If you have any further questions, you can also speak to the Practice Manager.
Care Data Patient Information Leaflet (PDF, 311KB)
Care Data Patient FAQs (PDF, 160KB)